Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Butter makes everything Better

Growing up in southwest Washington has its advantages and disadvantages. A disadvantage was having rain and overcast be the only forecast from the weather persons. But an advantage to all that rain was having lush and green nature all around us. Among this greenery laid dense patches of blackberry bushes lining nearly every side walk in my neighborhood. My friend, of nearly my whole life, called upon me to help her collect blackberries in the woods behind her house. I agreed, on the condition I would receive a piece of the pie she would make from our find.

We set off bowls in hand to collect our berries and easily found and picked enough berries for four pies. Even though our mission was a complete success, I hated every minutes of it. Spiders, bugs, snakes, and piles of dung left by the woodland creatures; it was terrible. Upon making out way out the woods the first thing I wanted to do was wash every last bit of nature off of me. But I was promised pie and there was no way I was going home empty stomached. I proceed to wash the berries as my friend pulled out a recipe from the stone age, back in the good old times when a pound of butter per cup of mashed potatoes was a healthy idea. She made the crust from scratch and added the filling into the pan, but before covering it with the top crust she added giant globs of butter onto the blackberry filling. Being a part time bake assistant to my mother during holidays, I remarked how I did not believe she was doing it right.

Sometime later, with my mind skeptically wondering if the pie would still be eatable with so much butter, the pie was cooked and cooled. As I forked a small piece into my mouth I noticed something bizarre, that the butter pie in question was the best blackberry pie I had ever eaten.

That pie was the best I ever had and has convinced me of two things. One that hiking through the woods with spiders, bugs, and snakes is worth getting blackberries for pie. And two, that large quantities of butter makes everything better. I have eaten many pies since then but none have come close to the delicious satisfaction of my best friend’s blackberry pie.

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