Monday, November 1, 2010

Sara Houser - Last Annotative Bibliography

DeSimone, Jeff. Fraternity Membership and Drinking Behavior . 1st ed. Cambridge : National Bureau of Economic Research, 2007. Print.
This book discusses the impact that alcohol has when you are in a fraternity or a sorority. Furthermore, the issues about how the students started drinking by how they were raised and how the students were influenced by their peers. Finally this book talks about how alcohol is impacting fraternities and the consequences of drinking. This could be a great article to argue about fraternity and sorority drinking amongst college campuses.

Wechsler, Henry, and Bernice Wuethrich. Dying to Drink: Confronting Binge Drinking on College Campuses. Rodale: St. Martin's Press, 2002. Print.
Wechsler and Wuethrich discuss the causalties that alcohol is causing because students are binge drinking. Other issues discussed within this book is underage drinking, advertising of alcohol, and the relationship between alcohol and sexual assault. This article does not focus enough of the Greek System at schools so it would not be very benefical to use this article.

Park, A., KJ. Sher, and JL. Krull. "Risky drinking in college changes as fraternity/sorority affiliation changes: a person-environment perspective.." Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors. (2008): Print.
This article argues the perspectives of alcohol and its relationship to how it affiliates within the Greek System. It discusses four different classes associated with being in the Greek System which are constant greek members, constant non members, late joiners, and droppers. Furthermore, it goes into the reasons for why these people are labeled what they are. This article would be a great source for my paper depending on my arguments.

LasGlindemannt, KE, IJ LEhrhartast, EA Drake, and ES Geller. "Reducing excessive alcohol consumption at university fraternity parties: A cost-effective incentive/reward intervention." Addictive Behaviors. (2007): 39-48. Print.
This journal article is about an experiment that was done on six random fraternities selected. They were to host two parties each and the experiment tested alcohol consumption. This article will be a great source for my paper to show an experiment that was done in a fraternity on a college campus.

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