Sunday, October 31, 2010

Final Bib sources of my choice :))

Mielke, Robert. Personal Interview. 30 October 2010.

This interview was extremely helpful because my source is a local farmer on a four generation wheat and barley farm. Robert believes that sustainability is extremely important but recognizes the importance of profitability. I will be able to use this interview because I can use research gather personally to strengthen my argument. Also, it is beneficial because I was able to ask specified questions revolving around my paper.

Horne, James E, and Maura McDermott. The Next Green Revolution:
Essential Steps to a Healthy, Sustainable Agriculture. New York: Food Products Press, 2001. Print.

This book was designed to inform readers of current agricultural issues around conventional farming. Horne argues that a sustainable agricultural system is dire but the income and profit of farmers must not be sacrificed. This book is beneficial because it parallels my argument and brings up important supporting claims along with challenges.

Jackson, Wes, Wendell Berry, and Bruce Colman. Meeting the Expectations of
the Land: Essays in Sustainable Agriculture and Stewardship. San Francisco: North Point Press, 1984. Print.

This book is slightly different because it makes a point to approach sustainable agriculture from a broad scope. The authors have a multifaceted view and believe a sustainable farming system is possible but all areas affected by agriculture must be satisfied first. This is a very beneficial source because it looks at sustainable agriculture from various angles such as socialists, environmentalists, and industrialists.

Edwards, C A. Sustainable Agricultural Systems. Ankeny, Iowa: Soil and Water
Conservation Society, 1990. Print.

Edwards argues that a sustainable agricultural system is inevitable. A method must evolve that will allow environmental health to flourish while supporting the farmers tending the lands. He dissects current and ideological farming methods to invent a successful agricultural system. This source will assist my argument because the dissection of each farming method emerges accompanied by strengths and weaknesses that form challenges and claims.

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