Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Nourishing Arts summary

In "The Nourishing Arts" Certeau and Giard discuss the role of women in the kitchen. The article begins with one of the authors talking about how she refused to learn to cook. To her learning to cook would somehow keep her from pursuing a career in math or writing. She eventually discovers that she unintentionally learn a few things about cooking from watching her mom in passing.
From there the article goes into why women rule the domain of the kitchen. They discuss how when civilizations were settling down women took care of the "everyday work" that no one else would down and it has more or less remained that way (Certeau and Giard 71). The article goes into all the mental abilities required to cook efficiently and properly. The article explains how cooking takes skill and is not just something anyone can do with no effort.
The article closes with the topic of how much the structure of a person's diet affects their health. The authors discuss how the lack off and addition of certain food items greatly effect health in the negative. For as far back as history goes societies have more or less over looked the effects caused by improper diets. The article wraps it all up with saying how it’s the woman’s job to make sure her family eats right.

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