Wednesday, October 13, 2010

2 popular book annotations

Rose, Stewart D. The vegetarian solution: Your Answer to Heart Disease, Cancer,

Global Warming and More. Summertown: Healthy Living publications, 2007. Print.
This book begins with talking about vegetarianism as a diet and the effects of the diet throughout one’s life. It then starts going into the negative aspects of the meat industry such as the diseases that come from it and it talks about its effects on global hunger which is something useful that I had not related to the topic of vegetarianism before. Chapter six is what will be most helpful to me because it relates to the topic of the benefits that vegetarianism has on the planet. This will be useful to me in my research because it touches on some aspects of the environment that I had not read about previously.

Robbins, John and Dean Ornish. The Food Revolution: How Your Diet Can Help Save Your

Life and Our World. San Francisco: Conari Press, 2001. Print.

This book goes through why vegetarianism is a healthy choice of diet for many different health related reasons. It also talks about the animal cruelty aspect of being a vegetarian and what goes on in factory farming. The part of the book that is going to be most beneficial for me to read is the chapter that talks about the environmental impact of the meat industry and why vegetarianism is a way to help stop the negative effects of the meat industry. Overall I feel that this book will be extremely helpful in my future research.

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